
"Unidentified Bandits": The International Destabilizing of the Preval/Alexi government and Destruction of the Haitian People's vote continues, July 21, 2006
Ezili Danto Witness Project

Another Illegal Arms Shipment

Both Lame Timanchèt and UN say their job in Haiti is to kill "bandits": The failures of the UN and Haitian Police Chief, Mario Andresol by Marguerite Laurent, Haitian Perspectives, July 21, 2006

Lame Timanchèt: The DDR Fiasco,
Ezili Danto Witness Project, July 19, 2006 (Matisan Video Clips - Clip 1 begging forgiveness, Clip2 - March 19, 2006 interview with Sason; Clip3 - Peace between Gran Ravine activists and the police would turn false as police-created Lame Timanchèt would 3-months later attack the Gran Ravine community, again


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Turning Haiti into a Penal colony












Ale tande rapò a an Kreyol: Zam elegal pou mesye koudeta yo ki dekouvri lan ladwan






The International Destabilization of the Preval government and destruction of the Feb. 7, 2006 Haitian people's vote continues, July 21, 2006

Translation of excerpts of a recorded July 20, 2006 Radio Levekampe Broadcast (Masner Beauplan show) direct from Haiti. Translated from the Kreyol original into English by Frantz Jerome, Ezili Danto Witness Project, July 21, 2006

( Destabilizing Preval/Alexi - Listen to original Kreyol audio)

Ale tande rapò 20 Jiye 2006 sa a an Kreyol:

START OF JULY 20, 2006 Part 1 REPORT:

HLLN's Haiti Correspondent:

Here is what the situation was yesterday (July 19, 2006) in Haiti.

Is Preval caught in the middle of an international conspiracy?

Our statement is a deliberate one and we stand behind every word. We will back it up by many much-detailed stories.

For over three hour a climate of panic existed in the areas of the airport, Pele, Site Militè, including all of Simon, the arms were singing a familiar and eerie tune. At least four accidents can be blamed on this situation. Many were wounded, hit by bullets; some died in the area of Site Militè, the area of Kafou Twa Men.

What was happening? Many were kidnapped. At least 10 people were kidnapped yesterday in Port-au-Prince. Heavy weapons fire on the road to Petionville; tense moments in Delmas 19 that leads to the airport road, caused by the heavy weapons’ music.

What did the police, what did MINUSTHA do? Were they able to arrest those causing the panic? What happened?

Well, these are just questions about the political future of this government. Tessier Jeanty, everyone knows as a sportscaster. He came very close to being a kidnapping victim. According to him, three men converged on him, already had him on the car’s floor. They actually took the wheels to leave with him. He states that his fate can only be attributed to a miracle. For he already had resigned himself to being a goner when the kidnappers told him to get out. He just obeyed and he was saved, according to the Radio Galaxi’s sportscaster.

Nonetheless, many others were kidnapped. A member of CONATEL’s management team was murdered. Many others were wounded. During more than four hours!
Where were the UN soldiers?

How many people did they arrest?

How many people did the national police apprehend?

These are the questions coming to mind today.

In the meantime, there is a business owner in the industrial park, he made a statement, he said:

“…what we are facing is in no way the small rats (referring to the Aristide supporters the coup d’etat people call “Rat pa kaka”) These are the big boys. The connected gangs with heavy weapons. They (the authorities) would rather call them ‘unidentified’.

HLLN Haitian Correspondent and Commentator:
According to this industrialist, this movement (recent surge in violence, massacres and kidnappings in Haiti) is not that of the “Rats.” There is an invisible hand pulling the strings.

Why have they not succeeded at apprehending all those they qualify as bandits, the “unidentified,” since the MINUSTHA soldiers has the capacity to surround the (poor) areas of Pele, Site Militè, all the way to HASCO? …Also to cutoff the airport road, the area of Twa Men?

In the area of Delma 19, the thugs created a panic and succeeded in kidnapping three people in Delma 19. Where was the police?

Even though Mario Andresol has declared “the vacation over” and sent an appeal to all bandits, asking them to stop their illegal activities, for the national police would be vigilant, according to the national police director.

Still, yesterday in Port-au-Prince, all activities, all busses coming from Kwadèboukè, Monrepo, to go to Ri Makajou, Granri and Ri Timas, well all these bus stations remained empty.

Even this morning one can notice that many of the busses are parked at their owner’s driveway, not venturing out.

Indeed Port-au-Prince is unpredictable and they don’t know what may happen one minute to the next.

In the meantime, where will the population’s security come from?

Will it come from MINUSTHA? …the national police?

Yesterday in Port-au-Prince, many people have been victimized. A citizen died in his car, at the wheels. They report three passengers that were kidnapped when the captors left with the car. Today, no one knows about the three people’s whereabouts.
We hope that today the police will at least give an account of their failure yesterday and that the MINUSTHA soldiers will report why their inactivity.

For, in spite of their sophisticate equipment, they failed to neutralize those they qualified as “bandits unidentified.”

But, like we said before, there is a hidden hand pulling the strings causing this tremendous panic yesterday. Some died. Some were wounded. Four vehicular accidents. Part of the city converted in a virtual ghost town. All, caused by the panic.

Is there really a national police?

What were the MINUSTHA soldiers doing?

All these are valid questions… Yesterday, neither (the UN nor the Haitian police) made efforts to neutralize the “unidentified people” – (meaning kidnappers from the wealthy sectors) - they claim were causing the panic on the National Number 1 Route, especially in the area of Pele, Simon, Site Militè and the area of Twa Men.

END OF EXCERPT (Part 1) for the Ezili Danto Report, Ezili Danto Witness Project, direct from Haiti on the July 20, 2006

For Kreyol original - Ale tande rapò 20 Jiye 2006 sa a an Kreyol:
( Destabilizing Preval/Alexi - Listen to original Kreyol audio)


See also:
Both Lame Timanchèt and the UN are hunting "bandits" in Haiti: The Failures of the UN and Police Chief Mario Andresol by Marguerite Laurent Haitian Perspectives, July 21, 2006

Report that there's a list naming those who stole foreign aid monies and pillaged Haiti's resources since Feb. 2004; Arrest warrents issued for Lame Timanchet; UN raining bullets on people of Site Soley translated by Frantz Jerome, Ezili Danto Witness Project, July 19, 2006


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Emmanuel "Dread" Wilme - on "Wanted poster" of suspects wanted by the Haitian police.
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Urgent Action:
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to the Killings
in Cite Soleil

Sample letters &
Contact info
Denounce Canada's role in Haiti: Canadian officials Contact Infomation

Urge the Caribbean Community to stand firm in not recognizing the illegal Latortue regime:

Selected CARICOM Contacts
zilibutton Slide Show at the July 27, 2004 Haiti Forum Press Conference during the DNC in Boston honoring those who stand firm for Haiti and democracy; those who tell the truth about Haiti; Presenting the Haiti Resolution, and; remembering Haiti's revolutionary legacy in 2004 and all those who have lost life or liberty fighting against the Feb. 29, 2004 Coup d'etat and its consequences
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