    The Counter Colonial Narrative Links
Answers to media questions about Haiti
by Èzili Dantò, Esq.
Chair, The Haitian Lawyers Leadership
March 2, 2004

1. Why did the Bush administration consider the removal of Aristide to be a U.S. national interest?

Aristide had eliminated the Haitian army, which traditionally protected the interests of the right wing business elites in Haiti. Their interests are U.S. big business interests. Also, Aristide refused to fully implement Washington's neo-liberal economic policies when he returned to Haiti in 1994. Also, Haiti's cheap labor force, whether actually used or not, can be used as a threat - as leverage - against other labor forces. When the Chinese or Koreans unionize, then all you need is the threat to move to cheaper labor in Haiti to put their demands in check and save millions of dollars. President Aristide had raised, more than doubled the minimum wage in Haiti, not once but twice. The first time in 1995 he raised it from 18 gourdes to 36 gourdes per day for an 8-hour day. And, in 2003 he again doubled the minimum wage from 36 to 70 gourdes (or about $1.60) a day, despite the strong disapproval of Haiti’s business elites and their US contractors. Because of inflation, the $1.60 a day, was lower than what the minimum wage had been 10 years earlier.

[ Under President Jean Bertrand Aristide and the Lavalas governments, the life, liberty and property of the Haitian masses were elevated and more valued than at any other time since the first coup d'etat in 1806 where the sons of France assassinated Haiti’s founding father. For, the minimum wage was raised, more Haitian schools were built in Haiti than in the entire previous 200 years of Haitian history, the people were educated by the Liv Blan as to the resources of Haiti and their right to this property and mineral riches and oil, (See Haiti's Riches being fleece under cover of this UN occupation and puppet Haitian government by foreign companies) Also, under Pres. Aristide, the language of Haitians, the Kreyòl language was made an official language of the Haitian state, Vodun was made an official religion, France was asked to pay back the Independence Debt and literacy rates went up by more than 30%. To take and control Haiti's life, liberty and property are the reasons for the Bush 2004 coup d'etat/UN occupation. The Bush 2004 coup d'etat/Regime change and subsequent UN occupation is based on enslavement (taking of Haitian life and labor), murder (rule by force, incarceration, endless debt and degrading the environment) and theft (stealing the people of Haiti's mineral/gold/copper/ coal/oil/gas reserves and other riches). See, the map from the "Liv Ban" from Pres. Aristide political party which catalogues Haiti's riches. President Aristide’s political party, put together in this “Liv Blan” book a plan of public/private partnership to lift Haiti out of poverty using Haiti's own natural resources - Go to: A map of some of Haiti's mining resources,
Oil in Haiti - Economic Reasons for the UN/US occupation, and CKUT Interview (in English - 34:03) with Ezili Dantò on Mining of Haiti Resources and Riches].

Ezili's Note, 2005: Paying Haitians a paltry (70 gourds) - $1.60 (depending on exchange rates) for an 8-hour day was deemed too much by these repugnant international business folks in Haiti. So, under the pretext that they had the best interests of the Haitian poor at heart and that Aristide was a vile dictator responsible for massive Haitian murders and international crimes, sweatshop kingpin and US citizen Andre Apaid, Jr (Group 184), and other such US-protected business elites in Haiti, gathered together with the Bush-the-Junior's Neocons (with the complicity of the international corporate barons who now own the mainstream media and major "news" outlets) to ouster the Aristide/Neptune government and then imposed their own Boca Raton Prime Minister from Florida. Some of the first acts of this imposed Bush Haiti regime in 2004 were aimed at decimating Haiti's reforms made under President Aristide and implementing a neoliberal economic, otherwise known to Haitians as the "death plan." Under the cover and back-up of thousands of UN guns - who acted as the military proxies for the Washington ruling elites and to disguise the colonial invasions there soley to legitimize the 2004 Bi-centennial coup d’etat in Haiti - Bush's Haiti regime immediately imprisoned, forced into exile or slaughtered all the Lavalas supporters in sight, gave three years tax break to Haiti's business class, dropped the Haitian demand that France pay the $22billion Independence Debt it extorted from the Haitian people at gun point, cut the minimum wage in half, gave ten years back pay to the Haitian army soldiers demobilized by President Aristide back in 1995, signed Haiti to endless new IFM/World bank debts; proceeded to fleece Haiti of its gold mines, uranium, copper, emeralds, gas reserves, its iridium, underwater treasures, et al and to set in motion the wheel for such continued massive "privatization" of Haiti's remaining state enterprises and country's assets.

2. In your opinion, what was the involvement of the United States in the removal of Aristide? (Possibly discuss how the U.S. withheld humanitarian funds and why, etc.)

The U.S. financed the first 1991-1994 coup d'ètat against Aristide. They returned him after three years to stem the flow of Haitian refugees landing in Florida, and incarcerated in the offshore U.S. penal colony known as Guantanamo Bay.

The U.S. continued their destabilization campaign against the Haitian peoples' struggle towards development by forcing Aristide, as a condition of return, to give asylum to the coup leaders and integrate high FADH and FRAPH officials back into the new civilian police. These corrupt people led to more corruption and made it even more unwieldy for Aristide to clean up past corruption or develop a Haitian justice apparatus to crack down on corruption and bring people to justice.

Then the U.S. promptly began to try to turn the new innocent police recruits against Aristide. The U.S. rep running the center quit because of the interference. The U.S. did not want eliminated the old Haitian army it held under its thumb to do its bidding.

Guy Philippe, for instance, trained by the U.S. Special Forces in 1994 in Equador, was put in, by Aristide, as chief of police of the North at U.S. insistence. Guy Philippe later led three coup attempts. The first one against the Preval administration and two, one in 2000 and the other in 2001, against Aristide. Many people died. The U.S. is also implicated in these previous Guy Philippe attempts.

The fact that Guy Philippe could not have freely entered Port-au-Prince in February, 2004, despite the opposition, without the U.S. Marines first removing Aristide is testament to Aristide's popularity and solidarity with the Haitian people.

The U.S. conducted the coup d'ètat against Aristide on Feb. 29, 2004, themselves. Louis Jodel Chamblain and Jean Tatoune, both of FRAPH, and part of what CNN calls a "rebel force," are convicted of massacres during the first (1991-1994) CIA-sponsored coup d'ètat against President Aristide. The U.S. played a pivotal role in helping Louis Jodel Chamblain flee Haiti and get asylum in the Dominican Republic. All three - Chamblain, Tatoune and Guy Philippe - are CIA assets who refused, like Toto Constant, to be subject to Haitian criminal laws and its courts of justice and got away with this because of their U.S. intelligence and diplomatic connections.

Nine hundred (900) U.S. soldiers patrol the Dominican Republic with the Dominican Guard. Yet, on Feb. 5, 2004, convicted murderers Chamblain and Philippe managed to cross the border into Haiti with U.S. weaponry such as M16s, M60s, armored vehicles, grenade launchers, etc.

The United States DEA charged Guy Philippe as a drug trafficker. Today he walks side by side with U.S. Marines in Port-au-Prince while the constitutionally elected Haitian president is flown out of Port-au-Prince under heavy U.S. coercion, if not outright gunpoint by U.S Marines.

Toto Constant, FRAPH founder, to whom the U.S. gave asylum in Queens, N.Y., while indefinitely detaining his Haitian victims on Guantanamo Bay and other INS holding pens, is now reportedly back in Haiti.*(See update, Aug. 2007)

Guy Philippe and his gang's first order of business after they were escorted into Port-au-Prince by U.S. soldiers was to "liberate" 2,000 prisoners - murderers and felons - in the Haitian National Penitentiary, including Proper Avril, and unleash them onto Haitian society.

Today, the disinformation about Aristide's lack of popularity and lies about Haiti being more corrupt under Aristide/Preval/Aristide then under the old Duvalierist guard, which is now back, is fairly visible, and in graphic, bloody technicolor. But it's too late. All the small successes of Haitian democracy since 1990 have been trashed in one fell Feb. 29, 2004, U.S. coup d'ètat swoop.

Aristide built more schools in Haiti during his term than had been built in the entirety of Haiti's history under the old guard. Now that old guard is retaking power thanks to 10 years of U.S. destabilization, then outright coup d'ètat. They could not have won without the Feb. 29 shock and awe, dead-of-night campaign, against Aristide and his innocent wife.

Who is keeping the marginal flame and movement towards structural peace alive now in Haiti? Aristide eliminated the old army, helped bring illiteracy from 85 percent down to 48 percent, improved the health system, built public parks, started to decentralize power by establishing local governance through town meetings and local town governance, more so than any of the old guard for the almost 200 years it was in charge.

This done despite the U.S. embargo, obstructions and extortion, which forced Aristide to pay the IMF/World Bank $30 million in loan interest due from old dictatorship governments. Loans that were never requested back from the Duvaliers, who are now in golden parachute retirement on the Riviera, or Raoul Cedras, now in Panama, or Guy Philippe, the real beneficiaries of U.S. aid in Haiti. In addition, the old army was not demilitarized and was shadowing Aristide's every move.

The Haitian people's daily struggles were made even harder by the U.S. financing of opposition groups to Aristide who relentlessly challenged his legitimacy and exercised, with the help of the IRI, USAID, NED, the U.S. Embassy, OAS and the European Union, a virtual de facto veto of any legitimate Haitian government policies, plans and reforms.

Most notably, they blocked every effort to hold parliamentary elections, even though this tiny opposition, according to COHA and U.S.'s own polling, make up less than 4 percent of the Haitian electorate.

Despite all this, President Aristide was able to keep his popular support, so his opponents simultaneously ran a media disinformation campaign fabricating that Aristide had lost popular support and that those who supported him where "thugs." That is equivalent to saying that a little less than 8.5 million Black people are thugs.

The Haitian people have been brutalized, beaten and devastated by U.S. power for a century, beginning in 1914 when the U.S took over from the French, by "helping" to refinance "for Haiti" the 1825 French indemnity, and then invaded Haiti for missing payments to protect U.S. bank interests, fleecing dry the Haitian national gold reserves. France, of course, is helping the U.S. to depose Aristide because he has requested their repayment of $22 billion.

3. What type of relationship do you believe exists between the Democratic Platform and the rebel army?

There is nothing "democratic" about the old guard. They are oppressors, who practice social exclusion and apartheid akin to the KKK. They simply refused to be subject to paying taxes or put under any Haitian law. Group 184 was created in a meeting in the Dominican Republic, which gives shelter, arms and training camps to ex-Haitian soldiers and FRAPH murderers. Guy Philippe has said publicly, the Haitian business elite financially supports him.

4. How involved do you believe Aristide was in the various pro-Aristide groups that used violence against Haitian opposition groups, such as the chimeres, etc.?

Haiti was not demilitarized when Aristide returned in 1994. Old enemies of the people were allowed to keep their guns and have a space in Aristide's government. It was impossible then for Aristide to tell certain Lavalas opportunists to put down their guns when FRAPH/FADH were still armed. Then, the jostling for turf just went underground but was nonetheless alive and well.

Aristide tried to negotiate some of these people out of Haiti and some into harmless position. The corruption continued. Besides, corruption was endemic before Aristide took over leadership.

No democracy in the world does not have corruption in it - as we well know in the U.S. But Aristide's problems where exacerbated, since the Haitian people didn't have a justice system capable of holding powerful or monied prisoners.

Amiot Metayer, for instance, a Lavalas hero, was eventually put in jail. But he broke out and resented the punishment and turned, joining Jean Tatoune, convicted of a massacre in Amiot Metayer's own Gonaive and further complicated the government's crackdown. Butler and Amiot Metayer were always playing off both sides and were simply mercenaries.

Aristide cannot be blamed for people's criminal predilections. For no one who is a real revolutionary for Haitian justice and empowerment would EVER throw their lot in with murderers like Guy Philippe, Jean Tatoune, Louis Jodel Chamblain, or the old Duvalierist guards. Period, no question marks.

All this slaughtering happening in Haiti today could have been prevented if the U.S. had really wanted to help democracy back in 1994 and given the Haitian people the police help President Aristide asked for to demilitarize the whole of Haiti, and if the U.S. had just supported, or simply had not obstructed the constitutionally elected president and Haitian governments. Now the old guard with the U.S. guns has won the fight that's always been going on.

The people are back in hiding. Democracy is dead in Haiti, flown out when the U.S. took away Haiti's peacekeeper. To date, President Aristide has survived 14 assassination attempts. Today, because of U.S./Euro control in Haiti with their FRAPH/FAHD enforcers and because of their neo-colonialist, pre-emptive regime-change policymakers and diplomats throughout the world, President Aristide's safety as well as the safety of the majority of Haitian people, both in the U.S. and in Haiti, are right now in serious jeopardy.

Email Èzili Dantò at erzilidanto@aol.com.

(See: Haiti as Target Practice: How the US Press Missed the Story
by Heather Williams - Counterpunch, March 1, 2004)


Operation Sweatshop
Jean-Bertrand Aristide's move to raise Haiti's minimum wage was the last straw for American corporations and elitist U.S. factions.

Expose the lies



*Èzili Dantò's August 2007 note: Media Lies and the Real Haiti News,August 12, 2007

These media lies, "...it's that old ripped yarn, spinning played out stories in different colors when not flying on Coast Guard boats sailing our ancestor's tear-filled sound waves..."Red, Black & Moonlight - Carnegie Hall performance clip

From the beginning of the 2004 foreign intervention in Haiti to the UN occupation under the Preval/Alexis government, Ezili's Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network ("HLLN") has given an international voice to the Haitian struggle that was not on the terrain before, debunking the stereotype and view of Haiti as a place doomed by Vodun and cyclical patterns of political instability initiated by violent and corrupt Haitians.

We have shown how simplistic, racist, misleading and terrorizing the cliches ingrained in people's minds when they think of Haiti are. We have shown, over and over again, that Haiti, a Black country existing within a hostile and racist American Mediterranean is poor because it is deliberately made so and kept contained in poverty by the US-Euro powers who initiate, finance and maintain civil unrest, injustice, corruption, chaos and political instability in Haiti in order for their economic hit men, defense cartels, fraternity of corporate, government, and banking heads and various "donors" to make quick riches restoring order and incessantly "saving Haiti." (Debt Breeds Dependency Equals Foreign & Corporate Domination by Èzili Dantò, January 4, 2005
http://www.margueritelaurent.com/pressclips/payingthugs.html ; Haitian Nights, Again;
Tyrants and Despots dressed up as "peacemakers," and "police" cleansing Haiti of "Bandits" http://www.margueritelaurent.com/pressclips/despots.html#despots ).

An array of self-serving, white-world international organizations, foreign diplomats, neocolonial journalists, institutionalized NGOs, governmental leeches ("experts") and poverty pimps, services this bloody industry built on Haitian life, death and unbearable suffering - pontificating on Haiti's "problem," producing self-aggrandizing neocolonial "news" articles, crazy summaries of events in Haiti, patriarchic UN/OAS resolutions, foreign policy and "aid packages" that cyclically reproduces Haiti's dependency-for-profit, negative stereotypes, civil unrest, injustice, poverty, corruption, and political instability.

The sum effect of these international interventions and organizations, their point of convergence, trap Haitian life, death and existence to always service the white superiority persona, white profit, godly image and US-Euro hegemony.

The U.S./Euros, their corporatocracy, economic hit men, U.N./OAS proxies, their Haitian minions and death squads (trained by U.S. intelligence or at the School of the Americas in Fort Benning, Georgia), are, and have been, the main purveyors of Haiti's poverty, dictatorship, injustices, instability and insecurity. (Legacy of Impunity: The Neoconlonialist inciting political instability is the problem. Haiti is underdeveloped in crime, corruption, violence, compared to other nations).

Yet, whenever Haitians speak out about the racism and colonial blueprint in Haiti or, if the mainstream medias do finally mention the context of the institutionalized underdevelopment of Haiti, there is never any white world self-examination of the criminal role of any U.S./Euro key policymakers, because, as usual the topic is quickly switched to black-on-black crime (the "troubled" Haitians) and the ever ubiquitous and virulent of overstatements, for instance, that "it's not an issue of white people versus black people," - "the U.S. is not full of hatred for what Haiti stands for, not inherently racist, that's past history. There's just been some "mixed signals," "isolated incidents" and "mistakes." (See, Mixed U.S. Signals Helped Tilt Haiti Toward Chaos).

This cop-out deflects and diminishes the real issue of U.S./Euro institutionalized inadequacies, while simultaneously paralyzing most institutionalized, in-the-beltway-Black-"leaders" and black professionals with embarrassment, instead of a commitment to address the deliberately-planned-with-malice-aforethought, institutionalized white violence against Haiti and Haitians from the white world's powers, their poverty-pimp-cottage-industries, and numerous human rights "experts on the Haitian problem" (from both the "liberal" and conservative political spectrums), perpetuating the manipulated images of Haiti, the dependency, racism and advising on more governing and policing for the Black- "troubled"-Haitian majority, preferably white-controlled governing and policing.

They say the truth will set you free. But Haitians have been writing and speaking truth-to-power and detailing the white world's malevolence towards Haiti for centuries. Only General Jean Jacques Dessalines' military prowess once dented the white world's denials. Most whites will still straight up maintain that there's no continuing U.S./Euro patterns of invasions and occupations in Haiti combined with a projection of a false-innocence and pure persona for white folks and a projection of all blame and abhorrent behaviors conveniently imposed on the Haitians and Dessalines' accomplishments.

Militarily and economically defenseless and media-voiceless Haitians are convenient scapegoats and easy prey for these tyrants and bullies. Haitians are dehumanized and Haiti is browbeaten, terrorized and contained in misery - suffering coup after U.S./Euro-organized coups and civil unrest - in order that the white nations may appease their own vain and feeble need to prove superiority and hide the inadequacies (genocide, greed, slavery, exclusion, crimes-against-humanity-and-the-natural-environment) upon which most of their life and cultures are founded on.


The people of Haiti are fighting against formidable odds, as all around them in the Caribbean exist only U.S. or Euro colonies, client states and territories, also hostile to Haiti's Afrocentricity and refusal to be quietly re-colonized.

The tiny nation of Haiti has valiantly struggled, for over two centuries, for its sovereignty, its own language, Vodun sacred values and most importantly to not end up a colonial enterprise, like the Dominican Republic and as the rest of the Caribbean islands where mostly Eurocentric-black overseers manage their Black and brown populations for the benefit of the white superpower nations. And where the Island peoples are set off as props in their own homeland - maids, butlers, prostitutes, gardeners, entertainers and housekeepers - servicing the foreign-owned white tourist industry while their masses live in abject poverty and total deprivation; their island resources exported to feed and further enrich said same foreign white countries as in the times of slavery.

Ezili's HLLN gives voice and visibility to Haiti as a place for Dessalines and his rejection of neocolonialism and a place for Ezili Dantò, the irreducible essence of the African/Haitian warrior mother, that rarely was part of the international conversation on Haiti.

"Because of the Western narrative about Haiti, Haitians are the most persecuted human beings in the entire Western Hemisphere, bar none."
(See, The Western vs Real Narrative on Haiti; Haiti, We're Sorry, and Africa: In Solidarity with Site Soley, Haiti.)

So, our intent is to counter the media's neocolonial journalism on Haiti, its myths, cliches, traditional bias and opportunistic American narrative on Haiti. That is, their projection of racist stereotypes onto Haiti to serve the hero or savior myth that upholds white privilege.

Fact is, the mainstream medias are constantly suturing together the flag that Dessalines ripped in two.

Their take is older than 1804's media stereotypes on Haiti. (See, "...
it's that old ripped yarn, spinning played out stories in different colors when not flying on Coast Guard boats sailing our ancestor's tear-filled sound waves...")

Ezili's HLLN attempts to give another voice to Haiti, tell how the media uses the good public's trust to put over the scams of the U.S. State Department in Haiti - that Haiti's civil unrest is originated by Haitians alone with no official white world instigators' meddling.

Through writings, campaigns, the Ezili Dantò Witness Project and Listserve, HLLN has shown how their manipulation of the facts of Haiti-U.S. relationship continually and fraudulently perpetrates and promotes the idea that it's all about the black-on-black crime pattern in Haiti defined by the West as the troubled, “fighting Haitians,” who can’t get along, can't rule themselves, and who are inferior and incompetent blacks.

This vain and self-serving colonial blueprint promotes white privilege and racism by failing to point to the imperialist hand in Haiti’s destabilization - the imperialist hand that armed death squads;
promoted impasse; financed and carried out the 2004 foreign intervention/coup d’etat; and, the US/Euros criminal role in burdening the Haitian nation in debt, dependency and foreign domination to maintain a perpetually underdeveloped Haiti. Their criminal role in making it impossible for any authentically sanctioned Haitian leader, not into massively PRIVATIZING Haiti for the US-Euro global elites, to make a go at eradicating the misery of the masses.
(Matters to be Investigated).


"With the 2004 bicentennial coup d'etat, the Western powers, led by Bush-the-son, have re-established their dominance in Haiti. They have restructured the Haitian police with (more than 800 of) the former bloody Haitian military, emptied the jails of criminals and put uniforms on them and called them "police." Then, extra-constitutionally appointed, through their imposed Latortue/Boca Raton regime, new Supreme Court justices, police chiefs and court functionaries beholden to the foreign business interests that gave them their jobs.

Now, with President Preval rendered a mere puppet leader under the weight of 9,000 U.N. troops occupying Haiti and this foreign restructured Haitian police, the Internationals (US/UN/Canada/France and their extra-constitutional Haitian police force, technocrats and justice appointees) are the ones busy eradicating corruption and injustice in Haiti, in the police, and in the Haitian judiciary to the tune of billions in "peacekeeping" and billions in "aid" debts and loans, all, piled on the heads of the objecting but defenseless Haitian masses! This bloody US/Euro profit industry, built on unbearable Haitian pain, is the most awesome of untold Machiavellian dramas being played out on planet earth.


HLLN first laid out the reasons for the white world's disenfranchisement of the Haitian people in 2004, in an article entitled "Answers to media questions about Haiti,"written the day after the 2004 foreign intervention in Haiti. This was in response to questions from independent media outlets the Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network ("HLLN") fielded.

In that article we indicated that Emmanuel "Toto" Constant, a known CIA asset and head of the FRAPH death squad, may possibly already be in Haiti doing his masters' biddings.

FRAPH was created by US operatives during the first Bush coup detat against Haitian democracy in 1991 to eradicate political opponents to the Bush military regime in Haiti that oustered President Aristide the first time. (See, Bush Blockhead By John Maxwell, July 2006; Prime Minister Yvon Neptune's explosive and condemning August 23, 2004 letter from Prison to US Ambassador James Foley; Randall Robinson's Eyewitness (Frantz Gabriel) account of the abduction of President and First Lady Aristide of Haiti by the United States Special Forces).

As it happened, Toto Constant had stayed in the US where he was later incarcerated on unrelated bank fraud charges.
Subsequently, in a separate case in 2006, a U.S. judge determined that Emmanuel "Toto" Constant “founded and oversaw an organization that was dedicated principally toward terrorizing and torturing political opponents of the military regime” and ordered "the Haitian strongman to pay $19.5 millions to rape victims." Toto Constant was ruled "liable for torture, attempted extra-judicial killing and crimes against humanity.

Overall, even after more than three years of occupation, the answers to media questions about Haiti, released by HLLN at the beginning of the 2004 foreign intervention, is still relevant and provides answers to the US/international intervention in Haiti which are, in spite of everything, in direct opposition to the corporate media's main lines about Haiti - that President Aristide either resigned or was oustered by an autonomous and weighty "Haitian" "civil society" in a "popular revolt," and had "no support in Haiti," because he had become a dictator (similar to the US-supported Duvaliers!).

"For Instance, the U.S. State Department's own expert, own translator, Bryant Freeman, said President Aristide did not resign. Yet, every mainstream media reporting on Haiti since the 2004 foreign intervention either omits this fact and reports of president Aristide "fleeing" Haiti or resigning voluntarily. (See:Pdf of Letter in Kreyol Original , PDF of Letter in English; The Smoking gun: Aristide Didn't Resign. See also, Matters to be Investigated).

The UN "peacekeepers" continue, in relative media silence, to target, eliminate and/or indefinitely incarcerate Aristide's and the Lavalas Movement supporters in the poor and populous neighborhoods.


When Haiti was free of foreign troops, "...(t)he most disingenuous claim used repeatedly by the (anti-democratic Haitian) opposition and the U.S. was that the 'security situation' was not sufficient to maintain a fair election."

But during the 2006 (s)elections, "when the internationals had firmly taken over Haiti, the OAS, in fact, cheered on the exclusion of Haiti's masses from the elections by giving contracts (printing and for digital voting machines) for the elections, to the Haitian coup detat implementers - the Boulos and Apaid families. No OAS 822-like-Haiti-resolution expressed concerned that "all parties take part in the formation a credible, neutral and independent Provisional Electoral Council (CEP)."
(See, The February 29th Coup d’Etat Against President Jean Bertrand Aristide and the Role of the United States in the Coup (Second of two articles)", Haiti Progres, March 24, 2004 .)

In the name of bringing security to Haiti, thousands of young Haitians were and are labeled "gangsters and kidnappers" for political purposes and disenfranchised. And, to this day, the US and world citizenry are taking as gospel the corporate medias' fairytales about what the UN is doing in Haiti, about who it came to uphold; are being mislead and manipulated through media lies, half-truths and disinformation and by the uses of Empires' financial, diplomatic and military muscles that perpetually extends the racist American narrative about Haiti and its peoples.

Still, it is arguable that the informed and conscious have no doubt that the mainstream multi-national media corporations (like the, New York, Times, LA Times, Miami Herald, Washington Times, Sun Sentinel, et al.) used their pens and power to foster the bicentennial coup d’etat in Haiti that adversely affected all Haitians. These media outlets lied by trumpeting the 2004 foreign intervention in Haiti as a “popular revolt;” by painting President Aristide as a dictator in the same way as the US-sustained-Duvalier dictatorships; by tagging and converting, with one stroke of their pens, convicted Haitian thugs and death squad leaders, into "freedom fighters" and Haiti's freedom fighters into "gangsters and thugs." (From Thugs to Freedom Fighters to Thugs Haiti is Unraveling and No One is Saying Anything by LARRY BIRNS and SETH DeLONG, COHA, Dec. 14, 2004).

Guy Philippe, Andre Apaid, Jr, Stanley Lucas, Charles Baker, the Boulos brothers, Butler Meyater, Jean Tatoune, Group 184, et al, could not have carried out the bicentennial coup d’etat without the help of their imperialist masters and various insiders (ie. Danny Toussaint) within the Lavalas government pressured or co-opted by the almighty U.S. visa, dollar, Eurocentric-ism and otherwise supported by foreign monies. (See, Answers to media questions about Haiti; Haiti as Target Practice: How the US Press Missed the Story by Heather Williams - Counterpunch, March 1, 2004).


But ironically most of the Bush State Department's prominent Haitian operatives (Chamblain, Philippe, Tatoune,
Butler Metayer, Stanley Lucas) of the 2004 foreign intervention have been discredited and exposed by the US itself. Though, invariably the mainstream media has failed to connect the dots and reasses their statements about most of these folks and their characterization of the foreign intervention of 2004 in Haiti as a the "popular revolt."

Louis Jodel Chamblain was arrested in Haiti for massacre convictions but then promptly set free by the Bush-imposed-coup-d'etat government after a sham trial. Ambassador James Foley publicly and hypocritically decried the blatant sham trial. (See, The Delahunt Letter).

Three years later, in 2007, Guy Philippe (who ran for president of Haiti garnering less than 1% of the vote even with US and the Internationals financing his candidacy) was again charged by the DEA on drug charges. The mainstream press ignored all the significance of these news stories and U.S. complicity in destroying Haiti's democracy. For, the United States had backed terrorists, death squad leaders and drug dealers over the Haitian peoples' choice for leaders and labeled all dissenters corrupt or "bandits", "criminals and gangsters."

The major media outlets ignored that foreign-trained and created Haitian thugs and career criminals, who were agents of the US in destabilizing Haiti, were set free to traffic in drugs, illegal arms, murder, rape, plunder and create havoc that compelled the ordinary Haitian citizen to resist in self-defense or flee Haiti on rickety boats in search of asylum. Ignored that the contrived U.S. situations forever allows the US/Euros the opportunity to intervene to "rescue" Haiti from a "bloodbath." (See,
The Issue With US-DEA War on Drugs in Haiti-Partisan Bias/enforcement and Arbitrary and Capricious rules of "justice" and defamatory, simplistic and unfair mainstream media reporting apply to the poor in Site Soley, Haiti - Site Soley Update April 19, 2007; Moving On ; LA Times on a Haitian Army - An example of how LA Times spins the truth, manipulates information, promotes the views of the Haitian elites and sell's it to their unwary readers as "Haiti's view" ; It's Neither Hope nor Progress When the International Community is Running Haiti and Examples of Neocolonial Journalism.)

The informed and conscious have no doubt about the lies, half truths, media disinformations and State Department manipulation of public opinion on Haiti.

The point is if Haitians were not the descendants of Toussaint Louverture, the "opener," there would be no door out when the powers-that-be contrived the foreign-runned 2006 digital elections to put in their repugnantly un-electable black overseers.

There would be no door out when the powers-that-be have so thoroughly vilified Aristide and narrowly defined Haiti's foreign-made problems and manufactured conflicts as "the Aristide problem," the corrupt, divisive and "fighting Haitians'" problem and thus anyone who stands for Aristide's return, or, for an end to foreign support of the tiny economic elites, are also painted with the same brush as Aristide and dubbed "chimeres", "corrupt" and divisive.

Haitians have been facing Empire's traps for a long time. The majority are unschooled by the West and therefore live by what they experience and not what the New York Times write about their realities. Thus, don't fall into their programming as the schooled Haitians and unwary U.S. public do, but rather lead from source - African source.


For most Haitians, even those who deny it consciously, source is still that Vodun mythological place, that sacred other place which Haitians created, that validates Black folks at their soul forever and from the beginning to eternity, countering racism, slavery, white privilege, endless debt and neocolonialism.

This "other place" is found somewhere on this planet where authority is not truth, but truth is authority for one and all.

It exists only where it is created when one claims the parts of history that have been systematically written out of history by the Catholic Monarchs, Western founders, their Judeo-Christian culture and Breton Woods organizations. ( Mumia Abu-Jamal at prison radio, August 19, 2007 - The Power of History: Haiti Recorded August 19, 2007 - MP3-3:34 )

Haiti's majority non-schooled Haitians understand well why the endless Haiti-gravy-train of "foreign aid" being lapped up by US State Department cronies and ex-USAID, OAS, UN and IDB mission directors and employees; why the enormous war-profits being made, for centuries, in Haiti by U.S. do-gooder "experts," defense contractors, big-business, the NGOs, the foundation heads and employees and other such New World profiteers,
and now the U.N. ($1billion a year alone to the UN for their troops), big-business, in the name of "benevolence," "reform," "peacekeeping" and "charity," are purposely never analyzed by the international press and their talking heads.

Mumia Abu-Jamal has brilliantly observed "...Black sufferin
g and death (in Haiti has always) meant white profits and sweets... And we note that just as slavery and brutality was good for business for the Europeans, in these times, coup d'etats, civil unrests, misery, insecurity, illiteracy, death and poverty in Haiti, means millions to billions in reform, aid and "investment" dollars for the Breton woods contingent, the world corporate robber barons and their NGO sidekicks.


Between 1994 and 1996, US governmental "reformers" made over $3 billion dollars in Haiti as a result of the first Bush, Sr.'s Haiti coup d'etat. The big corporate and "investors" class profited from their governmental privileges to make many more than that quick amount.

Bush, Jr.'s 2004 Haiti intervention appears to be more sustainable and even more profitable for the reformers and defense contractors. Blackwater Security got its piece of the warmongers' bloody billlions. And, the UN "peacekeepers" are making upwards to $1 billion a year, and providing jobs to soldiers from countries where they are hired to butcher their own civilians; where there is no work; no justice or fledging democracy. The life of the chosen foreign "other" (Pakistani, Chinese, Brazilian, Chilean, Mauritanian, et al soldier as well as the civilian paper pushers from North America who get to suck up to 80% of any allocated monies, resources or "profits" made in these regular let's-make-a-quick-buck-Haitian-interventions) vastly improves when "law and order" must be "restored" to Haiti. The life of the ordinary Haitian has never improved under foreign intervention.

Under the first US occupation from 1914 to 1934, Haitians were put back in slave chains under the pretext of re-establishing the corvee, and under the 2004 occupation with the U.N. acting as US military proxy, Haitians have been summarily disenfranchised, disappeared, subject to U.N. searches, rapes, and indefinitely detained in prisons. (See U.S. Patterns in Haiti ;US Aid Go Home! and
Haiti's Holocaust and Middle Passage Continues.)


The US/Euros' masturbating on black pain continues unabated as Empire's warmongers in three-piece suits and other of their recognized authorities plunder, terrorize and impoverishes Haiti under the rubric of "bringing security, democracy and justice" to Haiti. (See also: Randall Robinson on " An Unbroken Agony: Haiti: From Revolution to the Kidnapping of a President; Eyewitness (Frantz Gabriel) account of the abduction of President and First Lady Aristide of Haiti by the United States Special Forces).

As a keen observer of media lies and Western contrivances once said, here’s the imperialist divide and conquer motif:

“If you wish to destroy an area, how do you do it? Well, there are two ways. You can go in there and bomb it and so forth. But that is not very efficient. What you do is try to get the people in that area to kill each other. And to destroy their own territory, their own farms. And that’s what been done (in that area). The way in which you destroy and bomb, is get him to destroy himself by dividing his ranks against one another. Then you feed both sides. You have agents feeding both sides, inflaming both sides. And they kill each other off. It’s time that some of us woke up to this reality. To understand that people who try to maintain empires and create empires, do it by manipulating the people they are trying to conquer.” (http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/ (1:56:23 ) a movie exposing the lies of the mass media, Catholic Church and ruling elites, EVERYONE should make the time to watch, or, go directly to Zeitgeist – Part 11 to quickly get to the above quote http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w61uQtTUKGQ )


In August 2007, the LA times, in an apparent effort to continue to manufacture consent and consolidate the gains of the 2004-Bush Regime change, even wrote that the HAI
TIAN PEOPLE wanted the bloody Haitian army returned to Haiti. (See, LA Times on a Haitian Army - An example of how LA Times spins the truth, manipulates information, promotes the views of the Haitian elites and sell's it to their unwary readers as "Haiti's view.")

Also, in August of 2007, U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon visited Haiti, for the first time and wrote, in the Washington Times, there was hope at last for Haiti presumably because the U.N. had squashed open dissent to the UN occupation and incarcerated all the "gangsters." He didn't put it exactly like that, but that was the essence just the same. (See, It's Neither Hope nor Progress when the International Community is Running Haiti and; Ban Ki-moon's "Hope At Last For Haiti"
and, Ezili Dantò's Note: Bwa Kayiman 2007 and the case of Lovinsky Pierre Antoine.)

But, the
real news from Haiti is that the Haitian resistance continued as the UN tries to keep a lid on it.

Haitians are still fighting against their lost of freedom, civil liberties, and sovereignty. Still demanding an end to the US/UN occupation, end to foreign-orchestrated
lawlessness, injustice, impunity; an end to the mainstream media's lies, the imposition of IMF/World bank/USAID/IDB endless debts; for release of the political prisoners, return of all those exiled by the 2004 foreign intervention, for immigration and refugee laws to be equitably applied by the Western powers and their Caribbean colonies, territories and client states without bias or racism towards Haitian nationals. The Haitian resistance still struggles for economic equity; the inclusion of Haiti's poor masses in Haiti's affairs; freedom of religion; ans, respect for Haitian culture, and dignity. (See, Darren Ell's interviews with Lovinsky Pierre Antoine, entitled "Sovereignty and Justice in Haiti," Part 1, dated Feb. 18, 2007 and Part 2, March 4, 2007).

The Haitian majority are: still demanding that France pays back the $22billion Independence Debt they extorted from Haiti and for the US to pay Haiti back the additional slave-trade amounts paid from roughly 1914 to 1947; still fighting for Haiti's riches to be used for Haitian life and opportunity and to stopped being exported to the US/Euro countries; for State assets not to be privatized and used to enrich the new West Indian Corporations - that is, the transnational corporations/tiny private investment class/global elites - but to remain Haiti's public assets used to improve the Haitian peoples' living standards, health care; still pushing for non-Pepe education; for Haitianist development projects, and, for improving Haiti's infrastructure. (See, Haitian Riches, Oil in Haiti - Economic Reasons for the UN/US occupation and Expose the lies).

This summer (2007) while U.N. functionaries and the neocolonial journalists were busy manufacturing consent to US domination of Haiti and painting a rosy picture of occupied Haiti, Haiti's masses were empowering themselves and actively working to end their exclusion, lost of dignity and sovereignty. (See, Lovinsky Pierre Antoine's statement issued about the first visit to Haiti of UN Secretary General, Bann Ki-Moon and statement about the current occupation of Haiti, on July 28, the date marking the 92nd anniversary of the first US-brought holocaust-through-occupation of Haiti for 19 years: The July 28, 2007 declaration of Lovinsky Pierre Antoine's Fondasyon Trant Septanm (in Kreyol and Lovinsky Pierre Antoine on the Visit of Ban Ki Moun to Haiti (in French), dated July 31, 2007).

Also on July 28, 2007, on the occasion of the 92nd anniversary of the first US occupation of Haiti (1915- 1934), grass-roots popular organizations in Haiti released a statement demanding that the Haitian government under occupation:

1) Stop renewing the Minustha (U.N.) mandate in Haiti;

2) Stop engaging Haiti in neo-liberal death policies, "free market," the
privatization of the state enterprises... These policies only bring more
misery, unemployment, and insecurity to the country;

3) Stop paying the I.M.F and World Bank loans and debts and use the monies to
provide health, education, and other services to the population; and

4) Immediately address the crisis of the management of the State Enterprises. Get the State enterprises functioning properly and keep them as the property of the country.

Down with occupation;
Down with privatization;
Long live a free and sovereign Haiti.
Long live Haiti's State enterprises!

Èzili Dantò, Esq.
Executive Director, Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network ("HLLN")
August 12, 2007

HLLN Links to the counter-narrative to the media spins and self-serving colonial negatives promoted about Haiti



Every year one or more of these organization - CNN, NBC, New York Times, Associated Press, Reuters, Miami Herald, ABC/Nightline or another such mouthpiece of the new West Indian trading companies - will, like clockwork, do a piece on how the disease-ridden Haitian poor in Haiti own child domestic servants known as- restaveks - Kreyòl for stay with. Poor young children, mostly small girls, who go stay with another family to work for their keep because their own families can't feed and shelter them. They mostly deliberately misidentify this phenomenon - which is present in EVERY poor country - as slavery ONLY in Haiti and solely, it seems, to feed the American public with its regular dose on the absurdity of an independent nation of Blacks trying to rule itself without a white colonial figurehead; how uncivilized these Blacks are in their gross treatment of their children as slaves!

This constant popular U.S. media hit on Haiti apparently feeds the white psyche's programming on Haiti, its expectations and their US/Euro cultural narratives of superiority while throwing shame on Haiti precisely to marginalize, ad nauseam, Haiti's great feat of abolishing European chattel slavery, the Triangular Trade and direct colonialism. (See, Slavery Still Legally Sanctioned under US Constitution
  ; The Untold Story: U.S. Slavery In The 20th Century and An inside look at Haiti's business elite.) See also, Letter to AP Editors Regarding the Restavek Issue; Haitian child restaveks - domestic servants - does not equate to the European TransAtlantic trade/holocaust | Ezili's counter narrative on the ABC/Nightline report on the abuse of Haitian children, July 9, 2008 ; and Restavek: Letter to the New York Times - Demonizing the Gonaives Hurricane Victims, Sept. 14, 2008.)

Exploitation of child domestics is a global problem, not a Haitian "slavery"

"...Studies in Indonesia estimate there are around 400,000 child domestic
workers in Jakarta alone and 5 million in Indonesia as a whole. In Venezuela 60per cent of the girls working between 10 and 14 years of age are employed as domestic workers. Country surveys showed that the proportion of child domestic workers under ten years of age was 26 per cent in Venezuela, 24 per cent in Bangladesh, and 16 per cent in Togo. A survey in Morocco showed that 72 per cent of domestic workers started their working day before 7.00am and 65 per cent went to bed after 11.00pm." (Child Labour: Targeting the intolerable, ILO 1996; Jafrikayiti, from Exploitation of child domestics is a global problem, not a Haitian "slavery" issue.
WindowsonHaiti Ann Pale forum discussion of the restavek issue, 2003.)

<"To equate the restavek issue to slavery is to trivialize the ownership, sanctioned by Euro-American laws, of Africans starting from 1503 in Haiti and ending in 1803 in Haiti when the Africans wrestled their liberty from the European enslavers in combat. That human trafficking trade continued in the US until the Civil War and bears little resemblance to the phenomenon, in most poor countries where children are sent as servants to work at places where they may find an education and food. That restaveks are abused and exploited in Haiti, as in the rest of the developing world, is not questioned.

But the exploitation is ILLEGAL in Haiti. The Haiti child restavek indentured
servant issue cannot be equated to the Maafa, to the Euro-American chattel slavery of the TransAtlantic nor the European Trans-Mediterranean slave trade. That's a period, no comma. To do so is to trivialize the European sponsored African holocaust - Maafa." (
Child domestic labor in Haiti is NOT chattel slavery in the way of Western European-styled slavery was.)

In none of these U.S. journalistic "Haiti exposes" - from a country that still legally sanctions slavery under the US Constitution - will the world ever learn of the Haitian struggle against neocolonialism. How Haiti is destroyed by its ceaseless independence debt now being extorted by the powerful through neo-liberal economic policies; ravaged by the eleven to thirteen mercenary families - the US/Euro subcontractors in Haiti - who, with the complicity of the US/Euros and their coup d'etats exclude the majority, own most of the country's wealth while the majority starve and live in utter misery and poverty. How Haiti is ravaged by this tyranny of the rich, by unfair trade, the fraud and corruption of false aid, false benevolence, false charity, false food aid, and the false Christian missions whose help mostly don't reach the intended poorest of the poor but services the rich, blan kolon and the global elite's agenda of keeping Haiti in debt and contained-in-poverty. (See, US Aid Go Home! by John canham-Clyne & Worth Cooley-Prost, In These Times, Jan. 8, 1996.)

The mainstream media routinely publishes articles citing research studies by self-serving charities and NGOs pontificating on the horrors of child domestic labor amongst the poor majority- ti pèp la- in Haiti. But they conveniently ignore the real tyrants - the pillaging wealthy at the very top who deny the masses a voice, their votes, economically enslave the poor Haitian majority and cause the perpetuation of the wretched survival system of child domestic servants. They conveniently ignore, for instance, that there may be more poor Haitian children being sponsored at $20 to $40 a pop by Christian missions and the global multinational charity businesses making a profit off Haiti's poverty than there are children in Haiti.

These special media reports and NGO "research" studies -to get more grants off the backs of Haitians - ignore that, not only does this charity money raised -in the name of helping poor children like the ones who are so poor in Haiti they must be lent out to another poor family for work purposes as restavek - child laborers/indentured servants- not reach such children but the amount that is spent in Haiti is mostly spent on either the child of the rich or the irelatively more wealth-off Haitian child. The real poor child is merely used as BAIT to raise funds that mostly doesn't reach them or help their kind to any great extent in Haiti. The bulk of the money raised by NGOS, in the name of “helping the poor Haitian people," mostly, like US/Euro foreign aid to Haiti, stays in the US or in Europe, or is used for salaries for these do-gooders and their Haitian sycophants, for obtaining an Old Dixie Planter's lifestyle in Haiti, for administrative fees, for shipping fees, for dumping food at harvest time to further impoverish the Haitian farmer. But this enslavement, this organized violence at the top in Haiti which creates, since the Independence Debt, the individual violence at the bottom won't get any press. No.

You won't see the mainstream media publishing articles on the institutionalized poverty pimp system in Haiti, going on for over half-a-century now, starting since the early 1950s, headed by the United States through USAID, USAID insiders and contracted out to the major multinational charitable NGO businesses - CARE International, Catholic Relief Services, World Vision, et al...- , that uses the Haitian poor as bait to collect funds, research grants, food aid contracts, to collect shipping and distribution contracts for the privileged foreigner and their Haitian sycophants so to get richer, more power, maintain the Old Dixie status quo in Haiti. They won't explain that there are false orphanages, like those described in Schwartz' book, that ensures the poor will remain poor and the poor peasant's child will have to become a child servant for sheer survival. And there's false food aid that destroys Haiti's security, dignity and food sovereignty, creates slums like Site Soley. This real slavery, this organized tyranny and corruption at the top - the enslavement of Haiti's majority by USAID/World Bank/IFI/IMF's poverty pimp system, run mostly by reputable charities/NGOs and the Haitian Oligarchy - the handful of "white Haitians" - Haiti's economic elite that are the richest people in the Western Hemisphere; this slavery is never exposed in these articles and special reports on child "slavery" in Haiti. (See, Ezili Dantò's review of TRAVESTY in Haiti - A true account of Christian missions, orphanages, fraud, food aid and drug trafficking, a book by Timothy T. Schwartz; HLLN on oversight needed on USAID; Letter to the Editors; Food Donation Rot in New York while Haitian Storm Victims Starve and Die, Sept. 8, 2008; and HLLN Update: Paterson's Timeline for delivery of donated goods for Haiti storm victims.)

The African warriors in Haiti fought the English, French, Spanish and a US blockage in order to abolish slavery and take Haiti's independence in 1804. But lone Haiti has been fighting these same forces to maintain its independence, since 1806, when the first successful foreign-supported coup d'etat - that is, the assassination of Haiti's founding father, Jean Jacques Dessalines. It's been since then that the bourgeois/Affranchi/mulatto/white Haitians have been enslaving, through neocolonialism (debt, dependency, privatization, free trade, false aid, false benevolence, wage slavery and foreign domination/UN occupation), the entire Haitian masses. (See, the New Slavery Model Fulfilling Lecler's imperative and Haiti Forum 2009 and 2010; Youtube- Florida's Modern Day Slavery.)

That SLAVERY - the tyranny of the tiny monopoly/mercenary families in Haiti and the USAID/NGO system that supports it for corporate America maintaining the dependency, debt, exclusion, apartheid, unfair wages, the fraud, corruption and false benevolence- is the reason Haitians continue to run to the high seas for refuge, preferring death than to stay enslaved to Haiti's Oligarchy and NGOs as continued today by the US/UN occupation. (Capsized, 85 Haitians dead: Haiti's Holocaust Continues - Asylum, Amnesty, Justice denied our kind; Haiti's Holocaust and Middle Passage Continues; The Collar of Impunity: Sexual abuse of Haiti children by Priests, Charity Workers and UN Peacekeepers and Humanitarian Aid Workers raping, molesting and abusing Haitian children.)

For all the unscrupulous and shady businessmen and governments of the world, Haiti has always been a fiscal paradise because the Neocolonialists' manufactures fear, racists myths and false stereotypes about Haitian brutality, inherent poverty, lack of natural resources, incompetence (the common neocolonial storyline/media lies), inherent violence, decontextualizes Haiti's legacy of impunity/corruption and lies about Haiti not having a viable indigenous culture. These myths, stereotypes, racists lies and self-serving fears control, promote and maintain the world's negative perceptions of Haiti so that empire, their predatory "charitable" and "benevolent" NGOs and the world's corporate oligarchs may contain-Haiti-in-poverty the better to rob it blind. (See also, Oil in Haiti - Economic Reasons for the UN/US occupation; Expose the lies 2; Expose the lies - Haiti's Riches: Interview with Ezili Dantò on Mining in Haiti; HLLN on the causes of Haiti deforestation and poverty; Haiti Riches Links; Digging up Haiti; Map of mining resources in Haiti and showing five oil/gas sites in Haiti; Pointing Guns at Starving Haitians: Violent Haiti is a myth; Legacy of Inpunity; Comparing crime, poverty and violence in the rest of the Hemisphere to Haiti; The Two Most Common Neocolonial Storylines about Haiti, HLLN Counter Colonial Narrative Links, The Independence Debt, The causes of Haiti's poverty and deforestation; Ezili's counter-colonial narrative on Vodun; Haiti Policy Statement for the Obama Team, Recommended HLLN Links (Energy and Mining in Haiti): The wealthy, powerful and well-armed are robbing the Haitian people blind, and a June 13, 2008 Nouvelliste article alleging, in sum, that "...in these last months, more than 40 to 50% of the imported rice that is subsidized by the Haitian State is CONSUMED in the DOMINICAN REPUBLIC?.... And that even Haitian clandestinely subsidized petroleum products, cheaper Haiti oil products, are also being consumed by wealthy foreign ships passing through Haitian waters, instead of the impoverished and starving Haitians these food and gas subsidies were intended to benefit...")
That SLAVERY gets no press coverage. Yet, it is the root cause of the continuing child domestic servant issue and Haiti's institutionalized empoverishment. Indeed the media failure to report the truth, their lies and simplistic reporting about Haiti, allows impunity for the mercenary familes, their agents and US/Euro collaborators. The mainstream media will not do exposes showing that Haiti’s poverty, deforestation and instability is the result of the theft and exploitation of Haiti by the world’s wealthy countries, their corporations and subcontracting, non-tax-paying Haitian mercenary families. These untouchables - Category Two (Bafyòti yo)- get no such mainstream journalistic exposes though they, with their forces (Ndòki) - that is, the military, economic, diplomatic, political, neocolonial and media power of the US/Euro imperialist (Category One) are the ones maintaining slavery, misrule and poverty in Haiti - turning an entire nation of over 9 milllion Blacks into restaveks!

Ezili HLLN's work and media campaign gives voice to this Haiti narrative and enslavement. We are re-membering the dismembered Bwa Kayiman call - E, e, Mbomba, e, e! Kanga Bafyòti. Kanga Mundele. Kanga Ndòki. Kanga yo!

Our intention at Ezili's HLLN is to extend from our Ginen source, create a new paradigm - help liberate and develop Haiti and thus foil the black collaborators/traitors (kanga bafyòti), stop the tyrannical white settlers/blan strangers (kanga mundele). Bind all their evil forces/sorcerers (kanga Ndòki). Stop their Ndòki - that is, their fraud, false charity, false media, false schooling of Haiti's children, false NGOs, false charity, false Christian missions in haiti, false USAID benevolence, false humanitarian aid and their media untruths. Stop them!

E, e, Mbomba! Kanga Bafyòti. Kanga Mundele. Kanga Ndòki. Kanga li!

Ezili Dantò/HLLN

For more background information:

Listen to the Welfare Poets's song Sak Pase and their reciting (at 2:05) the Bwa Kayiman invocation or call: E, e, Mbomba! Kanga Bafyòti. Kanga Mundele. Kanga Ndòki. Kanga li!;

Please also refer to the three posts by Ezili Dantò, written back in August of 2003, before the occupation where I wrote: Beloved, know, no matter what you hear from the Bafyòtis, Mundeles or Ndòkis, Haitians love themselves and their children and Haitians are pushing to come together to stop the abuse of poor, unprotected children, as well as to raise awareness of the plight of the Restavek. These three post give a historical perspective, some critical observations, and hopefully, will add to the many concerned Haitian voices clamoring to legally amend Chapter 9 of the Haitian Labor Code which sanctions child domestic labor, and, for a nationwide educational campaign on parenting and the rights of Haitian children.

See, Slavery Still Legally Sanctioned under US Constitution - The 13th Amendment states: "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, EXCEPT as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction." For more on slavery in the US, sharecropping and the peonage system, see -The Cotton Pickin' Truth..Still on the plantation; The Untold Story: Slavery In The 20th Century;
Youtube- Florida's Modern Day Slavery.)

Know that: - "An increasing number of prisons in the U.S. are run by corporations, using their prisoners as workers and selling their labor to corporations. Federal safety and health standards do not protect prison labor, nor do the National Labor Relations Board policies. The corporations do not even have to pay minimum wage.

- "J.C. Penney, Victoria's Secret, IBM, Toys R Us and TWA are among the US corporations that have profited by employing prisoners. Put together long mandatory sentences for minor drug offences, a strong racial bias, prisons run by corporations for profit, the sale of convict labor to corporations, and a charge for prison room and board and you have a modern system of bonded labor - a social condition otherwise known as slavery." [from Take It Personally: How to Make Conscious Choices to Change the World edited by Anita Roddick, p.75]


"...The US government must stay out of our affairs and let us run our country. Each time they organize a coup d'état in Haiti - we have already 35 or 36 coups d'état in our history - we have to start over. This US policy of wanting to control everything in Haiti is blocking development as well as political, social or sociopolitical progress..." (--Lovinsky Pierre Antoine, interview entitled "Sovereignty and Justice in Haiti" by Darren Ell, March 4, 2007)

Haitian-Americans ask the US Congress and President to...end the UN occupation; stop unequal immigration treatment of Haitian refugees and asylum seekers; cancel, without condition, Haiti's debt to international financial institutions; void unfair trade laws, start fair and reciprocal trade, restrict free trade so not to dump food and other imports into Haiti that eviscerate Haiti's domestic growth and by also calibrating Haiti's domestic needs for agricultural expansion, public works, job creation, health care, schools, sanitation, infrastructure, and by adding enforceable human rights, labor, environmental rights provisions in US trade laws; permanently stop all deportations to Haiti, grant TPS; release of the political prisoners; stop trading for Haiti with USAID - foreign aid should go directly to the Haitian government; demand new foreign aid guidelines and oversight of USAID in Haiti; respect Haitian sovereignty and the Haitian vote; return President Aristide; investigate the role of US in the 2004 coup d'etat where US Special forces forcibly exiled President Jean Bertrand Aristide via an unmarked plane used for renditions.

- U.S. good governance and democratic enhancement policies administered by USAID should result in maximizing, not depleting or obliterating the Haitian Diaspora's $2 billion annual remittances and investments in Haiti; the next US Congress and President should implement new US foreign assistance regulations, guidelines and oversight to ensure foreign aid administered by USAID actually reaches the people in need, doesn't stay in Washington and is not primarily used for USAID's political benefactors, NGOs and non-profit's administrative, salary or shipping/transportation fees. (For complete details, go to: What Haitians and Haitian-Americans Ask of the New US Congress and President ;Haiti Policy Statement for the Obama Team and
Haiti Forum 2009 and 2010.)

See also , Dessalines Three Ideals - What Ayiti Calls Forth?

Media Lies and Real Haiti News (Ezili Dantò /August 2007)

The two most common neocolonial storylines about Hait

The Veil of Blood - Ignorance is no Defense
by Ezili Dantò, May 9, 2008

Adam Hochschild's neocolonialism (Ezili Dantò/2004)

- What white mindsets feed on is not so eye-opening, just typically parasitic, fearful, self-serving, narcissistic and delusional (Ezili Dantò/2007)

- Examples of Neocolonial journalism

-The Slavery the Media Won’t Expose (HLLN counter-narrative links)

- The three false Haiti stereotypes: That Haiti has no resources, is overcrowded & violent - (Haiti is only overcrowded in parts of Port au Prince)

-Pointing Guns at - -Violent Haiti is a myth (2011 update -UN makes in 2011 over $860,000 per year in Haiti)

- The manufactured fear, racist myths and false stereotypes about Haitian brutality and violence

- UN Peacekeepers and Humanitarian Aid Workers raping, molesting and abusing Haitian children

- Haiti’s Riches

- HLLN Links to US free trade fraud that promotes famine in Haiti

- US False Benevolence – 93% of all foreign aid to Haiti returns to US hands, less than 1cent of every dollar goes to Haiti gov.

- The real Haiti foreign aid - comes from the over 2billion per year in remittances sent by the Haiti Diaspora.

- No other national group anywhere in the world sends more money home than Haitians living abroad.

- Does the Western economic model and calculation of economic wealth fit Haiti, fit Dessalines' idea of wealth distribution? No. Fact is Haiti masses own more land than all other populations in the Caribbean, but their property and informal entrepreneurialship (labor) are not computed in WB and IMF indexes...their labor is valued only if they are wage-earners (in mostly US sweatshops). Yet, 70% to 80% percent of Haitians are peasant farmers. That is what US aims to destroy.

- Economic proposals that make sense for the reality of Haiti

- The Western vs Real narrative on Haiti (Ezili Dantò/2007)

- HLLN's Media Campaign (Ezili Dantò/2004)
<> - Creating New Paradigms for Haiti: Why it's critical to re-create and adapt Ancestors' Vodun Psychology (Ezili Dantò/2008)
- Haiti Epistemology
- Proposed solutions to create a new paradigm

Ezili Dantò's review of TRAVESTY in Haiti - A true account of Christian missions, orphanages, fraud, food aid and drug trafficking

Haiti's Holocaust and Middle Passage Continues

Oil in Haiti - conomic Reasons for the UN/US occupation
Restavek: Letter to the New York Times - Demonizing the Gonaives Hurricane Victims, Sept. 14, 2008

Haitian child restaveks - domestic servants - does not equate to the European TransAtlantic trade/holocaust | Ezili's counternarrative on the ABC/Nightline report on the abuse of Haitian children, July 9, 2008


Ezili's counter-colonial narrative on Vodun and Background - Vodun Links


The Haitian struggle - the greatest David vs. Goliath battle being played out on this planet


HLLN's counter-colonial narrative on deforestation, Haitian Perspective, Oct. 25, 2008

Restavek: Letter to the New York Times - Demonizing the Gonaives Hurricane Victims, Sept. 14, 2008


Haitian child restaveks - domestic servants - does not equate to the European TransAtlantic trade/holocuast | Ezili's counternarrative on the ABC/Nightline report on the abuse of Haitian children, July 9, 2008


Bwa Kayiman, 2008: Reclaiming the Haitian People's Vodun Narrative at Bwa Kayiman

Genocide by Vaccination? - Is this a way to sterilize Haitian womenn, as was done to Puerto Rican women? by Ezili Danto | Haitian Perspective, June 15, ***********************
Is UN proxy occupation of Haiti masking US securing oil/gas reserves, June 10, 2008

Media manipulations and the Haitian Hills switching the conversation :On distractions - How the social scientists' manipulate information to keep a right wing agenda in Haiti going and to continue imposing starvation on Haiti : The life of those in the Haitian hills are not more sacred than that of the masses


Ezili Danto's counter-narrative to the Associated Press's current Neocolonial Narrative in "Haiti's tourism dreams deferred by riots"

Humanitarian aid workers and UN peacekeepers raping and abusing children, May 27, 2008

Comparing crime, poverty and violence in the rest of the Hemisphere to Haiti


(See, Haiti's violent image is an outdated myth, insist UN peacekeepers ; and BRIEFING: Haiti's image of fear 'a big myth' to some)

"Continuing the discussion of Media Lies:When Haiti Was Free - Video evidence of media lies"

Ezili Danto's note on the two most common neocolonial storylines about Haiti: (D. Allen Kerr & Reuters, Guadian.co.uk), Haitian Perspectives, May 11, 2008

Veil of Blood: Ignorance is No Defense
May 9, 2008

LA Times on a Haitian Army - An example of how LA Times spins the truth, manipulates information, promotes the views of the Haitian elites and sell's it to their unwary readers as "Haiti's view"

It's Neither Hope nor Progress When the International Community is Running Haiti by Èzili Dantò, Haitian Perspective, August 11, 2007
Media Lies and Real Haiti News, Aug. 12, 2007

Ezili Dantò's Note: Bwa Kayiman 2007 and the case of Lovinsky Pierre Antoine by Ezili Dantò, For Haitian Perspective, and The FreeHaitiMovement, August 23, 2007

Moving On, Aug. 7, 2007

Examples of Neocolonial Journalism

Prime Minister Yvon Neptune's explosive and condemning August 23, 2004 letter from Prison to US Ambassador James Foley

The Revolutionary Potential of Haiti, its creeds, values and struggle


The Issue With US-DEA War on Drugs in Haiti-Partisan Bias/enforcement

UN Arrested 40 Ahead of Harper's Visit,
The Dominion, August 3, 2007


The Real New From Haiti is: Haitian Resistance Continues, UN tries to Keep Lid On, by hcvanalysis, August 3, 2007

  Arbitrary and Capricious rules of "justice" and defamatory, simplistic and unfair mainstream media reporting apply to the poor in Site Soley, Haiti - Site Soley Update April 19, 2007


The Real Reason For the Raid Monterey Herald, July 27, 2007


Video of Michelle Montas, Spokesperson of UN Secetary General, Ban Ki-moon , during Bann Ki-moon's August 2007 visit to Haiti


Darren Ell's interviews with Lovinsky Pierre Antoine, entitled "Sovereignty and Justice in Haiti," Part 1, dated Feb. 18, 2007 and Part 2, March 4, 2007


Mumia Abu-Jamal at prison radio, August 19, 2007
- The Power of History: Haiti , Recorded August 19, 2007 - MP3-3:34


Ezili Dantò's Note: Who benefits from silencing and eliminating Lovinsky Pierre Antoine? - HLLN continues its coverage and analysis of the abduction of Lovinksy Pierre Antoine in Haiti


The July 28, 2007 declaration of Lovinsky Pierre Antoine's Fondasyon Trant Septanm (in Kreyol)


Lovinsky Pierre Antoine on the Visit of Ban Ki Moun to Haiti (in French), dated July 31, 2007).


En Memoires Des Arawaks et Tainos D'Haiti and La Conspiration Du Silence - Genocide in Haiti by mass vaccination while Haiti is occupied by Dessalines' enemies and other such white savior missionaries/ mercenaries...

(See also: Vaccinate Haiti! and Defamed! -- Page 1, - Page 2, Pg. 3, Pg. 4, Pg. 5 and, Pg. 6, et al…


Moving on

In reference to the disillusionment with President Aristide and the call to move on:
yes, Haitians must move on to defending Haitian sovereignty, economic equity, civil liberties, Haitianist development projects, and Haitian inclusion in Haiti’s affairs. No doubt.

Yes, it's far better for concerned Haitians to concentrate on what each can do to make things better in Haiti, than what the "leaders" are NOT doing or have not done to make things better. Indeed Haitians are the ones to align the forces on the planet to free Haiti, eradicate neocolonialism, systematic exclusion of the masses, endless and unjust debts and Pepe education.

It is all up to each and everyone of us. The task is not Aristide’s. But, we cannot change Haiti if all the world's most powerful countries are continually strumming war, hunger, high costs and strife in Haiti and hiding their repulsiveness under the mask of "peacemakers" and "do-gooders." Accepting responsibility for Haiti is one thing but that means we must NOT accept that foreigners may come into Haiti and kidnap an elected President and begin a Guy Philippe bloodbath, impose a Boca Raton Regime, cause living conditions to become even harder and then consolidate their dominance under an elected President that serves their interests while Haiti is under their occupation and still under the reign of the Boca Raton Regime's appointees. Unacceptable. Intolerable. ( Neither Hope nor Progress when the International Community is Running Haiti).

Neither can we afford to trust Dessalines' enemies as they began a massive vaccination program of 60% of the Haitian population, when we know and have barely lived through their inhumanity, brutality and psychological warfare, always sanctimoniously and hypocritically disguised as "humanitarian aid," "science," "free trade," and "development." (See, Vaccinate Haiti! and Defamed! -- Page 1, - Page 2, Pg. 3, Pg. 4, Pg. 5 and, Pg. 6, et al… En Memoires Des Arawaks et Tainos D'Haiti and La Conspiration Du Silence - Genocide in Haiti by mass vaccination while Haiti is occupied by Dessalines' enemies and other such white savior missionaries/ mercenaries... ; Editorial - Occupied Haiti To be Vaccinated ! Franklin Ellis, Nov. 11, 2007 Fanmi Lavalas Emission (Mp3 - 12:41| in French).

Besides, the struggle for Haitian self-determination, self-respect and self-defense - SURVIVAL - cannot be allowed to be narrowed down to the return of President Aristide and the white-empire-folks' providing "security" to Black Haiti, when slaughter, mass incarcerations, medical experiment through the infusion of laboratory-created white diseases - a genocide - is under way in Haiti with the steady implementation of the diabolical Ottawa Initiative since February 29, 2004.

To forget Bush, the junior's purpose for getting rid of democracy and Haitian self-rule in Haiti, in 2004, is to forget our history with white folks since 1503 in Ayiti.

It's nothing short of a trap. Haitians are the ones to state the problem, not foreigners. And that problem in Haiti is that foreign debts, dominations and interventions that destabilizes and orchestrates coup d’etat’s in Haiti are to stop, be ostracized and abolished in Haiti. The disenfranchisement and systematic exclusion of the Haitian masses is not to be countenanced. It is a racist double standard to be denounced by one and all. It is genocide as practiced by so-called civilized white governments and their Breton Wood institutions against Black folks at its most blatant.

Even if this means controversy and facing the powerful imperialists, and their mass media and traditional church pundits, all Haitians of consequence must continue to stand for an equitable division of the country’s assets, for law and order, for the foreign occupation and manipulations of civil unrests in Haiti to end and not for rule by force and by the un-electable economic elites through foreign interventions.

- “…the Athenian lawmaker Solon decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy…” President John F. Kennedy

Would Haitians continue to shrink from controversy and be crucified still? Or, is it not preferable to be free and independent? Indeed it is. It's Dessalines' law.

The lives of the tens of thousands of Haitians who were needlessly slaughtered, senseless eliminated so the US “investment class” could take Aristide out of power in the name of defending Haitian rights, does MATTER. The thousands of Haitians who drowned at sea, lost all their youth, health and worldly goods during Bush’s first and second coup d’etat in Haiti, MATTER. We cannot reconcile with injustice and accept that these lives meant nothing. The thousands of Haitians who were unjustly incarcerated, many of whom still to this date are in prison on preventive detention, haven’t had a trial or seen a judge for three years. These Haitian lives MATTER and cannot be summarily ignore with a “let’s move on, chorus.” We should never, ever forget that in the course of the 2004 Bush orchestrated intervention in Haiti, that public building, offices, police stations, court houses, museums, schools and private residences were ransacked, looted and burned. Innocent people were killed, countless women and girls raped, tortured and killed.

The role of the Catholic Church, the mass media, the so-called Haitian “intellectuals,” big business, the “investment class;” the role of certain criminal elements within the US State Department, within the Canadian (the Ottawa Initiative) and French governments, the World Bank/IMF in destabilizing Haiti, containing it in endless debt, poverty and bringing forth the bicentennial coup d’etat must be investigated and the people of Haiti afforded justice and reparations. Yes, it seems a BIG thing to ask, considering how small, tiny, and helpless Haiti and Haitians seem… But Haiti and Haitians, in particular, have always done BIG things in world history. … (Dessalines' ideals).

The Catholic Church’s devastating tyranny in Haiti, beginning since 1492 with the fall of the Moors in Grenada, Spain, cannot be understated, or bear close scrutiny.
Are we but Cannon fodder, still? Should we continue this divisive conversation, fall into the trap of the “fighting Haitians” that is perpetrated by the mass media and only serves the imperialist? No.

Haitians, one and all, must empower themselves and look out together. Understand clearly that : “…The last thing the man behind the curtain want, is a CONSCIOUS, INFORMED public capable of critical thinking. Which is why a continually fraudulent Zeitgeist is output via Religion, the mass media and the educational system. They seek to keep you in a distracted, naïve bubble and they are doing a damn good job about it...” (See, Zeitgeist – Part 12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3mQ03w656w)

Ezili Dantò
Li Led Li La
August 9, 2007


Recommended HLLN Link:
A Movie that will get you re-thinking all that you were EVER taught
http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/ (1:56:23 )

Haitian Riches
Expose the lies

Oil in Haiti - Economic Reasons for the UN/US occupation and Part 2: Oil in Haiti, reasons for the US occupation

The Fateful Geological Prize Called Haiti
by F. William Engdahl, GlobalResearch.ca, May 30, 2010
(Strategic denial of oil in Haiti?)

Did mining and oil drilling trigger the Haiti earthquake

Haiti's Mines: Gold, Silver, Copper, Marble, Oil, Iridium, Natural Gas

Oil, gas, gold, copper, etc., in Haiti equals US occupation
By Jerry Mazza | Online Journal Associate Editor, Feb. 9, 2010

Big Oil Behind Haiti Earthquake? by Victor Thorn, American Free Press, 2/15/10History of mining in Haiti

Haiti has the world’s largest supply of a rare mineral used in building spacecraft-IRIDIUM: Haiti's Gold, Copper, Uranium 225 and 238 and the world’s largest supply of iridium. /p>

There is a multinational conspiracy to illegally take the mineral resources of the Haitian people;

Interview (in English - 34:03) with Ezili Dantò on Mining of Haiti Resources and Riches ( The secret behind the Rush to Haiti )

Expose the lies about Haiti, its people, culture, Vodun spirituality and unique resources http://www.margueritelaurent.com/pressclips/expose.html

Recommended HLLN Links (Energy and Mining in Haiti): The wealthy, powerful and well-armed are robbing the Haitian people blind

Haiti Riches: Listen to CKUT Interview (in English - 34:03) with Ezili Dantò on Mining of Haiti Resources and Riches by Chris Scott for CKUT (90.3 FM) in Montreal, April 29, 2009

Haiti Riches: Lakounewyork (Kreyòl) Interview with Ezili Dantò on environmental degradation concerns of gold/copper mining in Haiti, May 6, 2009

Haiti's Oligarchy


- A map of some of Haiti's mining resources

- Gilbert Bigio's new oil/gas contract with Chevron for Haiti - Chevron to Sell Fuels Marketing Businesses in Haiti, 02 Jun 2, 2009

- Digicel Haiti Celebrates Third Anniversary With 2.1 Million Customers, May 5, 2009

-Gold and copper exploration in Haiti, April 29, 2009

- Majescor to Acquire Interest in a Strategic Gold-Copper Property in Haiti, April 23, 2009

-Canadian company to explore for gold in Haiti

- Eurasian Minerals Discovers Two New High-Grade Copper-Silver-Gold Prospects at Treuil Property, Haiti, April 22, 2009

- Eurasian Minerals Inc. Acquires Grand Bois Gold Deposit Property, Haiti, Jan. 26, 2009

- Eurasian Minerals Inc. Acquires 27 Exploration Licenses in Haiti and the
Historic Meme Copper-Gold Mine, Dec 17, 2008

- Haiti is full of oil, say Ginette and Daniel Mathurin, [French Original], Radio Metropole, Jan 28, 2008

- Oil in Haiti, by Dr. Georges Miche , webzinemaker.com, March 27, 2004 [Please refer to the French Original]

1. Stealing Haiti's Gold, Copper and Uranium under cover of regime change - The Exploitation of Gold and Copper in Trou Du Nord

-Gold and Copper Exploitation Resumes in the North and Northeast Departments of Haiti

- Eurasian Minerals Acquires Two Gold Projects in Haiti

- Haiti 's Future Glitters with Gold

2. Plundering Haiti's Under Water Treasures

Preval Government in Haiti denounces Heritage Looting

Authorities in Florida are opening an investigation into the origins of emeralds stolen from an interim Haitian dignitary's home

Robbing Haiti blind: pillage and plunder - Iles-à-Vaches: Bronze Cannons, gold and emerald pieces stolen

French Original: Canons en bronze et pièces en or et émeraude volés dans des sites sous-mains de l'Ile-à-Vaches:Un responsable de la compagnie Sub Sea Research affirme que ces vols n'auraient jamais pu être commis sans la complicité de membres du regime intérimaire, Port-au-Prince, 27 avril 2006- (AHP)

3. The General Director of the Bureau of Mines and Energy struck by the announcement of the plunder at the sea-beds of Ile-à-Vaches, 27 April 2006 (AHP)

French Original: Le directeur général du Bureau des Mines et de l'Energie sidéré par l'annonce de pillages dans les fonds marins de l'Ile-à-Viache |Port-au-Prince, 27 avril 2006- (AHP)

4. Audit of State Institutions continues: Valuable objects stolen from the National Palace

5. Fleecing Haiti 1) Latortue continues to fleece Haiti at $15,000 per month?

* 2) Multinational corporation wants $2million in damages from Haiti's new government for stolen canons and heritage looting under the Latortue IMPOSED government

6 . Audit of State Institutions continues: Valuable objects stolen from the National Palace

7 . Microbe discovered in Haitian soil may develop super-antibiotic drug

8 . Sirona Fuels Launches Jatropha Community Farming in Haiti

9 . Genocide and the UN's deliberate depopulation of Site Soley, a prime oceanfront property of the poor, under pretext of controlling crime ang gangs in Haiti

10. Haiti Remittances top US $1.6b , March 2007

11. No other national group anywhere in the world sends more money home than Haitians living abroad http://www.margueritelaurent.com/pressclips/laborvalue.html#noother

Haiti's Riches - expose the false stereotypes

Pointing Guns at Starving Haitians: Violent Haiti is a myth
"....expose how the wealthy, powerful and well-armed are robbing the Haitian people blind; expose the manufactured fear, racist myths and false stereotypes about Haitian brutality and violence that aims to control and maintain people's negative perceptions of Haiti and to contain-Haiti-in-poverty the better to rob it blind. (See also, Is the UN military proxy occupation of Haiti masking US securing oil/gas reserves from Haiti, and a June 13, 2008 Nouvelliste article alleging, in sum, that "...in these last months, more than 40 to 50% of the imported rice that is subsidized by the Haitian State is CONSUMED in the DOMINICAN REPUBLIC... And that even Haitian clandestinely subsidized petroleum products, cheaper Haiti oil products, are also being consumed by wealthy foreign ships passing through Haitian waters, instead of the impoverished and starving Haitians these food and gas subsidies were intended to benefit..."; Digging up Haiti; Map of mining resources in Haiti and showing five oil/gas sites in Haiti; Haitian Riches; Expose the Lies 1; Expose the lies 2; Interview (in English - 34:03) with Ezili Dantò on Mining of Haiti Resources and Riches)

"... stop the imposed famine from fraudulent "free trade" policies that destroys Haitian food sovereignty; stop imposed coup d'etat and UN/US protectorate that destroys Haitian security and stability, increases violence and organized kidnappings, drug-dealings and arms trafficking ...(Go to: Genocide by vaccination in Haiti - Is this a way to sterilize Haitian women, as was done to Puerto Rican women?
US Aid Go Home! by John canham-Clyne & Worth Cooley-Prost, In These Times, Jan. 8, 1996.)

...So, people-to-people, we ask assistance to stop the genocide going on (the better to steal from and fleece) Haiti. A genocide, depopulation and terror taking place through: indefinite detention/incarceration; UN, NGO and humanitarian aid workers sexual rape, human trafficking and molestation of Haitian children; imposed famine from fraudulent "free trade" policies that destroys Haitian food sovereignty; imposed coup d'etat and UN/US protectorate that destroys Haitian security and stability, increases violence and organized kidnappings, drug-dealings and arms trafficking; and, perhaps genocide and forced sterilization by this wholesale foreign-imposed (UNICEF/WHO $10-million dollar) vaccination program in UN occupied Haiti." (Excerpted from "Ezili Danto's Note: Genocide by vaccination in Haiti and Is this a way to sterilize Haitian women, as was done to Puerto Rican women?" June 15, 2008)
Expose the lies

"Three false Haiti stereotypes are that Haiti has no resources, is overcrowded and violent. In reality Haiti has formidable advantages - plentiful resources, the most purest in the world of natural resources, enviable strategic location, hard working population; it is centered in Caribbean Basin, has 38% more coastline than the Dominican Republic. (See, Matraco-Colorado Haiti on Haiti resources and 3 false stereotypes about Haiti -A Power-Point Presentation.)

If there's substantial oil and gas reserves in Haiti, the US/Euro genocide has not yet begun.Ayisyen leve zye nou anwo, kenbe red. Nou fèk komanse goumen. (
Oil in Haiti - Economic Reasons for the UN/US occupation and John Maxwell's "Is there oil in Haiti"<.) Digging up Haiti: Matraco-Colorado Haiti Projects (marble, chalk, limestone/aggregate quarries and Haiti lignite/coal mine and power plant...)

"The New US Embassy in Haiti is massive, largest in world except for Iraq, Afghanistan, China and Germany and we know US strategic/economic interests in those count ries...What does Haiti own that even...McCain is now campaigning concern for "the fight for justice in Haiti?" (Excerpted from,
Is the UN military proxy occupation of Haiti masking US securing oil/gas reserves from Haiti. )

"...In the annals of human history, no country, no settlers in the Americas, killed more people, shed more BLOOD than the English, French, Spanish - than the European tribes and their white settlers. Period, no comma. So, how does Haiti get to be the one "doomed?" Why? Because the blood shed and people eradicated out of Haiti where said whites, who had annihilated the Amerindians all over the Americas and then kidnapped and enslaved Africans to come work the land of the Tainos so that the European's coffee at home would be sweet? Right? The kidnapping of Blacks, spreading of lies about black inferiority and savagery continue as we see with this article and the abduction out of Haiti of President Aristide. If only I had the time, on behalf of the African ancestors and those courageous Haitians dying right now fighting off, yet again, another U.S.-sponsored Coup D'etat in Haiti, to fully and individually address the racist propaganda of the Adam Hochschild's of this world? (From Hochschild's Neocolonial Journalism: Response to Adam Hochschild article in SF Chronicle by Èzili Dantò, May 30, 2004 )

“Be true to the highest within your soul and then allow yourself to be governed by no customs or conventionalities or arbitrary man-made rules that are not founded on principle.”
Ralph Waldo Trine


HLLN's Work
from the HLLN pamplet

"...HLLN dreams of a world based on principles, values, mutual respect, equal application of laws, equitable distribution, cooperation instead of competition and on peaceful co-existence and acts on it. We put forth these ideas, on behalf of voiceless Haitians, through a unique and unprecedented combination of art and activism, networking, sharing info on radio interviews, our Ezili Dantò listserves and by circulating our original "Haitian Perspective" writings (See also Ezili Dantò's blog on open salon.) We make presentations at congressional briefings and at international events, such as An Evening of Solidarity with Bolivarian Venezuela.

With the Ezili Danto Witness Project, HLLN documents eyewitness testimonies of the common men and women in Haiti suffering, under this US-installed UN occupation, the greatest forms of terror and exclusion since the 19-year US occupation (1915-1934) and the days of slavery; conducts learning forums on Haiti (The "To-Tell-The-Truth-About-Haiti" Forums), and , in general, brings the voices against occupation, endless poverty and exclusion in Haiti directly to concerned peoples worldwide - people-to-people and then to governments officials, international policymakers, human rights organizations, journalists, the corporate and alternative media, schools and universities, solidarity networks. We are often quoted in major alternative and even the corporate papers and press influencing the current thinking of readers today." HLLN, November 9, 2005.

See, The Nescafé machine, Common Sense, John Maxwell Sunday, November 06, 2005, quoting HLLN's chairperson, Èzili Dantò


"Transformation is only valid if it is carried out with the people, not for them. Liberation is like a childbirth, and a painful one. The person who emerges is a new person: no longer either oppressor or oppressed, but a person in the process of achieving freedom. It is only the oppressed who, by freeing themselves, can free their oppressors."-- Paulo Freire, from Pedagogy of the Oppressed (learn more)

OAS Resolution 822

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